Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth – We’re Pure Michigan

Jul 31, 2012

By Al Zehnder, CEO of Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth

My family and I were in California last year visiting family. My brother and sister-in-law live in the San Francisco area and my sister and her family live in San Diego.

We had been in San Francisco area for about three days and had just checked into our hotel in San Diego. I thought I would take the time to call back home to make sure “everything was okay”. The TV was on in the background as I was talking to my sister in Michigan when to my surprise, one of the Pure Michigan ads came on. I remarked to my sister how strange it felt to be from Michigan, standing in California, talking to Michigan with that ad on TV.

We’ve all seen them. With Michigan native Tim Allen providing his recognizable voice, the ads according to Longwoods International, have motivated 3.2 million trips to Michigan last year generating over $1 billion dollars to Michigan businesses and $70 million dollars in Michigan tax revenue.

On July 16, 2012, Huffpost Detroit reported that the 2011 Pure Michigan campaign, which cost $14.3 million, brought back $4.90 in taxes for each dollar spent!

Our Governor is even excited about the results consistently supporting funding and making the Pure Michigan campaign a priority for his administration. The 2012 Pure Michigan national campaign, with a budget of $12 million dollars, will air more than 5,000 Pure Michigan commercials. If your summer travel plans take you around our beautiful state, take some time to visit Frankenmuth and Zehnder’s – we’re Pure Michigan!

Hospitably Yours,

Al Zehnder

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