We Welcome the Fifth of the Fifth Generation!

Feb 28, 2019

Welcome Baby Shelton!

By Al Zehnder, CEO of Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth

I’ve written before about how we’ve placed a high priority on planning for the management and ownership succession of our company. It’s not a sprint but more of a long marathon. Generally speaking, nothing happens quickly but through discussion, coaching, mentoring and planning the direction of each department and the company takes shape.

My sisters Susan and Martha and I represent the third generation in the business begun by our grandparents William and Emilie in 1928. My dad, Eddie with his brothers and sisters, represented the second generation that took over in 1948. The fourth generation, Chris and Lauren Zehnder and cousins Nick and Olivia Shelton and Eddie Baker, represent the fourth generation currently in the business. We have been blessed that each generation has been interested and has the ability to provide leadership, in various capacities, within the company.

On February 25, 2019, another blessing arrived to Nick and Mary Shelton, a beautiful baby boy, J.R. Edward Shelton. Baby J.R. joins four existing cousins making him the fifth of the fifth generation in our family.

For four generations we have been privileged to serve generations of our guests. We anticipate that to continue for generations to come.


Al Zehnder, CEO

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