There Seems to be a Day for Everything!

Jul 31, 2023

By Al Zehnder, CEO of Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth

I’ve written about this before, but it seems there is a day of celebration or remembrance for something each day of each month. I went to the National Day Calendar (I’m sure somehwere there’s a day to appreciate calendars) to see what’s celebrated, remembered or appreciated in August.

August 1st is a day celebrating Lughnasa. I had to look it up, you’ll have to as well. It’s also National Girlfriends Day. National Night Out Day and National IPA Day are on the same day. International Beer Day is August 4th with International Hangover Day August 5th, they seem to have thought that series out. There’s National Work Like a Dog Day (who celebrates that?) followed by National Underwear Day (?) and National Relaxation Day for those who didn’t celebrate Work Like a Dog Day.

I like August 6th, American Family Day. A day set aside to celebrate your family. It may be your immediate family, or a family of friends and people close to you. What a great day.

Zehnder’s is a fourth generation family business focused on the family. Since 1929, we’ve been celebrating family occasions and traditions, one family and one generation after another.

We stand ready to be part of your family traditions, celebrations and fun.

You have my name on it!

Hospitably yours,

Al Zehnder

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