Summer’s Gone!

Aug 28, 2024

By Al Zehnder, CEO of Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth

While there are probably still a few days of summer-like weather, September signals, at least for me; the end of summer. Schools are in full swing, the start of the football season and the arrival of cooler temperatures.

The fourth quarter, right around the corner; is our busiest. Late September, early October usher in the fall color season. Many of us hop in our cars to take in the beautiful colors of Michigan. I didn’t realize that over 500,000 Michiganders participated in the annual whitetail deer hunting season beginning mid-September this year. While down from over 800,000 in previous years, that number still surprises me.

Then, of course, the whole holiday season (I refer to it as the “eating season”) seems to rush at us. Thanksgiving followed by the Christmas season seem to blend quickly together.

Whether you’re taking in Michigan’s beautiful fall colors, making plans with a group of “deer widows” or need a place to celebrate the holidays, the Zehnder family of businesses wants to be part of your fall and holiday plans. Check us out at

Hospitably Yours,

Al Zehnder, CEO

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