Our Topiary Chicken

Jul 26, 2017

Zehnder's flower chicken

By Al Zehnder, CEO of Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth

Each year our landscaping crew, primarily Colin and his assistant Marissa; plant thousands of flowers, annuals and perennials, at each of our properties. They do an outstanding job and if you’ve seen our flowerbeds, I think you’d agree.

The centerpiece at Zehnder’s, our flagship restaurant, is our topiary chicken. Begun in a greenhouse in the middle of winter, and gently set into place when the risk of frost is past. It gets more lush and beautiful with each passing day. Certainly one of the most photographed floral pieces in Frankenmuth.

It’s no easy task. I asked Colin if he would provide me with the “ingredients” which he happily did:

• One half ton of soil
• 36 Cubic yards of sphagnum moss to hold the moisture
• 11 Flats containing 512 Baby Begonias
• Over 5,600 flowers make up our chicken this year
• Of course we need to water and fertilize nearly each day of summer

If you see Colin or Marissa painstakingly maintaining our flower beds, be sure to say hi and if you have a question on any of our plants, be sure to ask.

Hope your travel plans include a visit to Frankenmuth and Zehnder’s this summer.

Hospitably Yours,

Al Zehnder, CEO of Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth

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