One of the Top Family Hotels in the World!

May 31, 2022

Splash Ta Award 2022

By Al Zehnder, CEO of Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth

We don’t get up every day worrying about or chasing recognition. I just try to have our team focused on providing the best. The best people, the best products, the best facilities, and the best service. Sounds simple but it’s hard work.

But it’s nice when others notice your effort. Recently TripAdvisor recognized Zehnder’s Splash Village Hotel and Waterpark as one of the best hotels in the world for 2022 in their Best Hotels for Families category. In the world. I had to let that settle in for a moment. Splash Village is one of two hotels in the United States to receive that recognition, the other in Daytona Beach Shores, Florida.

This marks the fourth time in the last five years we have been recognized as one of the best by TripAdvisor. This award is based on a full year of TripAdvisor reviews; award winners exemplify the top 1% of hospitality businesses around the world.

The last two years have been tough for our industry and I congratulate our Splash Village staff on a job well done; they are truly world class and Pure Michigan!

Hospitably Yours,

Al Zehnder, CEO

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