Number One in Michigan!

Aug 28, 2018

Top Independent Restaurant in the Nation

By Al Zehnder, CEO of Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth

Each year, the hospitality trade magazine, Restaurant Business surveys independent restaurants across the nation and details the results in their report, The Top 100 Independent Restaurants in the Nation.

Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth has been ranked as the number one independent restaurant in Michigan based on sales and number one in Michigan for meals served.

In 2017, Zehnder’s served 945,364 guests with an average guest check average of $16. Only two other restaurants in the top 100 reported the same low guest check average. Rankings, based on sales, placed Zehnder’s #66 in the nation among the top 100 independents. Pretty cool for being located in a town of just 4,000 as most of the Top 100 are in the major metropolitan centers of the country.

I am proud of our fantastic staff and the continued support of our guests that place us among the top independent restaurants in the nation.

Hospitably Yours,

Al Zehnder

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