Fresh Squeezed

Jul 1, 2014

By Al Zehnder, CEO of Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth

I was visiting my oldest daughter earlier this year. She’s an MSU grad working for a major hotel in Nashville. Great city, really nice property. She and her boss (a great guy with lots of experience) gave me the grand tour. Yea, I was proud.  Her boss assured me she does a good job.

We were sitting in his office when he hands me a brochure of a machine he had just purchased. “Don’t even think about this,” he assured me, “just order one.”
It was a really attractive machine that slices whole oranges and squeezes fresh juice. Well we ordered one and put it into use, right out on the floor, in Elf Hollow Café at Zehnder’s Splash Village. It is really neat to watch. We load a whole case of oranges in the hopper and with the push of a button the whole thing starts up, oranges fall into place, get sliced, squeezed, the peel disappears into a hopper, and voila! – fresh squeezed orange juice. It’s really great.

Wherever orange juice is used at Zehnder’s Splash Village, we use fresh squeezed juice. The difference is immediately noticeable. A little improvement that provides a big difference. As excited as I am about our waterpark expansion, it’s little improvements like these in our company that excite me just as much.

If you are planning a visit to Zehnder’s Splash Village, try our orange juice – It’s Fresh Squeezed!

Hospitably Yours,

Al Zehnder, CEO of Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth

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