Congratulations are in Order!

Jun 21, 2016

By Executive Chef John Zehnder, CEC, ACE, AAC, HGT

Here at Zehnder’s Restaurant, we have ongoing training programs throughout our company. In our Food and Beverage Department, we offer culinary skills classes for all of our chefs, cooks and want-to-be chefs. Our classes are taught by Executive Chef Andy Misezewski – retired corporate chef who worked for the Stouffer’s for many years and most recently taught culinary arts at the University of Akron in Ohio and me assisting in the effort.

Funny, but I find that when Chef Andy instructs, suddenly my chefs will retain things I have told them a half dozen times already! The six week all-day series of cooking classes – we can take six chefs per series – teaches knife skills, fish and chicken butchery plus sanitation, sauces and a multitude of other hands-on skills. Once the series has completed, our chefs take a 2 ½ hour practical exam administered by three independent ACF Certified Examiners from the American Culinary Federation – the professional organization of chefs, cooks and bakers.

I’m proud to announce that all four of our Zehnder chefs passed their ACF practical cooking exams this past Saturday at Mott Community College in Flint, Michigan.

Chef Lance Buchinger-Certified Sous Chef

Completing their Certified Culinarian Exam:

Chef Dave Ticer
Chef Anthony Martin
Chef Nathan Nelson

Congratulations Zehnder’s Chefs!

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