Take the Challenge…

Spring has sprung (we think) and The Fortress staff is eager to welcome you for the upcoming golf season. So dust off those clubs and get ready for a great year. Recently, The Fortress Hole #13 was ranked by Michigan Golf Live listeners as one of the hardest 18 holes...

Get Your Clubs Ready!

I am sure you will all agree it has been a LONG and harsh winter but spring is officially here on the calendar anyway and that means the eventual opening of The Fortress. Weather permitting, we will hopefully be opening sometime in mid-April so get your gear together...

The Fortress makes the cut!

This past July, The Michigan Golf Live TV and Radio show invited their statewide audience to vote for the Hardest hole in the state (public courses only). MGL received thousands of votes from every part of Michigan and then Executive Producer Bill Hobson took the top...

The Role of the Bunker

Philip Christian Spogard, a Danish golf course architect once wrote that the sand bunker has been one of the defining hazards which the golfer has had to avoid in order to reach the green. On the early links courses, the first bunkers emerged in areas of exposed sand...