by Terri McNutt | Mar 29, 2024 | News, The Fortress Golf Course, Zehnders
By Al Zehnder, CEO of Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth While it doesn’t feel like it today, I know Spring is right around the corner. April is the month, with the planned opening of The Fortress, when all of our properties are open. I shouldn’t, but I’m so tempted to...
by Terri McNutt | Feb 29, 2024 | Frankenmuth, News, The Fortress, The Fortress Golf Course, Zehnder's Marketplace, Zehnder's of Frankenmuth, Zehnder's Restaurant, Zehnder's Splash Village, Zehnder's Splash Village, Zehnders
By Al Zehnder, CEO of Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth The winter and spring months allow us to work on projects while minimizing intrusion to our guest experience. I thought I’d bring you up to date on a few. New event Pavillion at The Fortress A new pavilion space...
by Terri McNutt | Feb 27, 2024 | Frankenmuth, News, The Fortress, The Fortress Golf Course
This unusually warm weather has all of the golfing community ready and excited to tee it up for the first time in 2024. While we’re optimistic to get a good stretch of consistent weather in March, The Fortress is planning on opening for the season on April 1st....
by Terri McNutt | Dec 21, 2023 | News, The Fortress Golf Course, Zehnder's Marketplace, Zehnder's of Frankenmuth, Zehnder's Splash Village
By Al Zehnder, CEO of Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth It’s a new year. Time for new beginnings, time for new initiatives, a time to reflect on what worked and where we can improve. I’ve said this before, “We’re not a company that makes New Year resolutions, we make...
by Terri McNutt | Oct 9, 2023 | News, The Fortress Golf Course
Golfers from all over the region participated in the Annual Fall Classic event at The Fortress Golf Course on Friday, October 6th. Congratulations to the first, second and third Flight winners from both days! Be sure to mark your calendars for next year’s event....
by Terri McNutt | Jun 28, 2023 | News, The Fortress, The Fortress Golf Course, Zehnder's Gift Shop, Zehnder's Marketplace, Zehnder's of Frankenmuth, Zehnder's Restaurant, Zehnder's Splash Village, Zehnders
By Al Zehnder, CEO of Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth As a family, we were discussing possible summer travel plans. As the discussion continued, it became clear that due to our relatively busy schedule; my son has summer football practice and my daughter is entering...