Thanksgiving 1949

By Al Zehnder, C.E.O. of Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth The story goes that my grandfather got into the restaurant business because he could no longer support his growing family through his small farm and slaughterhouse. I wonder if he really just didn’t like...

The Family Drive

  By Al Zehnder, CEO of Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth Can you just imagine Henry Ford driving home after he developed his first automobile, loading as many of his family into the car and going for a drive? I wonder where they went? Were there street signs? Was there...

Everybody Hates Fruitcake!

At least until they try Zehnder’s heirloom 100 year old recipe! Zehnder’s sold over 2,000 fruitcakes between October and December of last year. That’s a lot of fruitcakes! Our recipe is a real classic and comes from a time when Fruitcakes were filled...